Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Serve Others

When is the last time you consciously took time to do something for someone else. I mean that you thought about it, and went through with it… served someone else. We get caught up in our own drama sometimes, it’s difficult to realize we could be helping someone else. Rather it be calling an old friend for coffee (and yes picking up the tab), helping someone out at work (even if you are stressed out of your mind), or making it a point to volunteer this month and head to a shelter or a community gathering. I challenge you to serve someone else this month.

We tend to forget how powerful it is to share the human experience of lifting someone else up above ourselves. Or simply taking the time to let another person know, you are worth my time. If you can think back in your life there may be a time when someone has helped you, been there for you, or had some exceptional advice. Do you remember how great it felt to be supported?

You don’t need special gifts to serve someone else. But if you have some you think would be useful to another person than go for it! It is such a necessary humbling experience to put others before ourselves (we often gain more from the experience), to give without expecting anything in return. People can become more genuine and free. The idea of doing something for someone else may sound burdensome or overbearing at the moment, and if so, this is the moment you got to serve! The joy comes in the act of doing. Once you are out in the world helping out you will feel great. Your focus shifts from the self, and you realize there is a whole world out there and people need to know they are loved.

Here are some ideas of how to serve:

Help kids out at a local game

Participate in serving food at a local shelter

Head to a local animal shelter (they always need supplies and volunteers!)

Help a neighbor with some yard work or any chores, spend time to talk to them about their life

Collect clothes or money, items for those in need

Write a letter to a soldier overseas

Pick up trash that isn’t yours

Write words of encouragement (disperse as you would like)

Share your faith

Offer a service free of charge for someone who might need it

Take time with someone to hear them out

Give blood

Donate your hair

Visit a senior center

Show up at a hospital just to talk to those going through a hard time (even hand out little precious gifts or notes)

Love a complete stranger and start a conversation with them

Buy a homeless individual a warm meal

Help someone learn their second language

Teach someone a useful skill you know

Try to be true to your endeavor. The intent is for you to give something to someone, an unconditional gift showing kind humanity still exists. 🙂 May happiness be on your journey.

If you have anymore suggestions, post them in the comments below. Share how you plan to serve.